Tuesday 18 September 2012

Landbaby in Vogue


My little fox bag is in the picture for Landbaby at the Bluecoat in Vogue magazines best 100 shops outside of London! It's just on the left!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Scouse Owl & Fly Fox

Scouse Owl

Fly fox

All images copyright Katharine Studley 2012

'Scouse Owl' and 'Fly fox' are two members of my new collection centred around animals  and inspired by Liverpool's people and style.
'Scouse Owl' is a Liverpool bird getting ready for her night on the town, eating discarded kebabs left by drunken revellers on their own nights out. She wants to look her best, as obviously there is a lot of competition with other Liverpool birds...
'Fly fox' is a dapper fellow, always suited and booted and dressed to impress. He takes his fashion cues from Mad Men's Don Draper, and is never seen out without his trademark  specs. He's not averse to scoffing the odd cheeky kebab either when he thinks no one is looking.